Brand-Aid Discovery

Quickly power your home care agency with a tailored marketing solution

What it is

A systematic discovery process to quickly assess the needs of your agency and define a logically ordered marketing roadmap

Why you need it

Chances are any marketing attempts will fall flat without a cohesive and strategic marketing roadmap

What we need from you

Self awareness, active participation and excitement — leave the rest to our marketing experts

The process


Home care agencies move fast. That’s why we’ve designed this discovery process to move just as fast. We’ve streamlined our process to quickly understand your goals, gaps and challenges. We’ll conduct interviews, assess your current collateral and have your leadership team respond to a survey. This is the start of our partnership and it’s important we move intentionally. We expect we can complete this Assessment stage of the process in three weeks.


The Output is where the rubber hits the road. Our strategists synthesize the data we collected during the Assessment phase and develop your roadmap to marketing maturity. In this blueprint, you’ll understand the various channels and tactics necessary to elevate your agency through marketing. We expect we can complete this Assessment stage of the process in two weeks.


The Activation phase is where ideas become reality. You’ll see the fruit of our partnership with updated branding, a new website, targeted Google Ads or fresh sales enablement. The possibilities start here.

Ready to power your home care agency?